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Main article: 1
under the name of a section detailed in another article
From the 1998 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (Fwiffo is both Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III here):
above quotes from the 1998 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (indent lines from the chat)
From the 2003 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (fwiffo is Paul Reiche III, wimbli is Fred Ford):
above quotes from the 2003 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (indent lines from the chat)
From the 2007 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (robot is Fred Ford, PR3 is Paul Reiche III):
above quotes from the 2007 IRC chat with Toys for Bob (indent lines from the chat)
From a mail by Paul Reiche III to a Star Control II player:
above quotes from mails between Paul Reiche III and fans (indent lines from the mails)
From a mail by Fred Ford to a Star Control II player:
above quotes from mails between Fred Ford and fans (indent lines from the mails)