The Tywom are a species of generally friendly monopods, and one of the younger members of the Scryve Empire. Discovered by the Scryve and made ward species approximately 600 years before the events of Star Control: Origins, the Tywom have largely been avoided by the other ward species, due to their grating, clingy personality. Even the Scryve don't want much to do with them, leaving the Tywom some measure of freedom to explore and experiment, that the other aliens in the Empire don't always have.
They have quite a few systems under their control, 10 in total. Focused around the Repeculae cluster. They border the Mu'Kay and Human regions.
List of planets
- Tywomia, in Alpha Repeculae - homeworld
- Alpha Repeculae VI, in Alpha Repeculae
Relationship with humanity
The Tywom have started picking up human radio broadcasts since 2038 and did their best to conceal them from the Scryve. By 2088, however, the Scryve have picked up the broadcasts as well and sent ships to Sol to investigate. Wymdoo was sent to stall them and was shot down.