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A list of the "less significant" species in the universe of [[Star Control Origins]] who are never directly encountered by the player. For a list of minor species encountered in the game, see the [[List of minor species]].
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|content=The Atheti were a pre-spaceflight civilization from Gamma Ymir I, that were wiped out by a Drenkend cloning pod deployment only a few decades ago. Their newspapers seemed to have reported on the event.
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|content=The Ban'canalandan were a species native to Gamma Lewis II, they had attempted to defy the Scryve but were wiped out. Their bodies stood frozen in place, they seemed to be made of some soft stonelike material. Each body had a plaque attached to the, put their by the Scryve.
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|content=A species with crashed ships all around the Mid Spur.
|content=A species with crashed ships all around the Outer Spur.

Known Ships: [[Teknshi Caster]]
Known Ships: [[Teknshi Caster]]
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|content=A species with crashed ships all around the Mid Spur.
|content=A species with crashed ships all around the Outer Spur.

Known Ships: [[Rowhibte Defender]]
Known Ships: [[Rowhibte Defender]]

Latest revision as of 03:11, 9 July 2024

A list of the "less significant" species in the universe of Star Control Origins who are never directly encountered by the player. For a list of minor species encountered in the game, see the List of minor species.


The Aloin were once a ward species of the Scryve Empire, of which they considered themselves peaceful members. The Aloin were native to the Zeta Domos system, and they liked to keep to themselves. Their entire civilization lived inside an enormous tower until it was knocked over in the Xraki rebellion, wiping them out. At the time the Aloin were confused who was even attacking them due to the Xraki's use of Scryve ships.



The Atheti were a pre-spaceflight civilization from Gamma Ymir I, that were wiped out by a Drenkend cloning pod deployment only a few decades ago. Their newspapers seemed to have reported on the event.


The Aoowls were a species native to the Barr G system that went to war with the Scryve. They were wiped out via Pinthi deployment. However, they notably came close to finding a cure for the infection. Their planet, Rekabdan, is patrolled by many Scryve security drones.


The Ban'canalandan were a species native to Gamma Lewis II, they had attempted to defy the Scryve but were wiped out. Their bodies stood frozen in place, they seemed to be made of some soft stonelike material. Each body had a plaque attached to the, put their by the Scryve.



The Danish

The Danish are a species that resemble gerbils and are found in a city on Beta Zapoki A. They know about the Scryve but prefer to keep to themselves, and are willing to bribe others to keep their location secret.


The Dds were a species native to Alpha Aspis A IV that met the Scryve in 3412 ME. Some time after this they all became ill. According to a monument left by the Scryve on their world, the Scryve tried everything they could to save the Dds but failed. The Scryve supposedly set up the monument to remember their friends.


The Fetz were a species that originated on the same planet as the Umberzock. They were a member of the Faction of Eight at the time of the Scryve's entry. The Librarian was not entirely convinced they were a different race from the Umberzock.






The Hrrrmmm were an engineered speicies of unknown origins who were a member of the Faction of Eight at the time of the Scryve's entry. They arrived from some other area of space but no record of their creators exists.







A race of warriors from Iota Boklos III. They were seemingly wiped out after encountering aliens presumed to be the Phamysht.




The Ooros were one of the two species that entered the Faction of Eight after the Urpox had, and were the last member who had joined before the Scryve had. According to the Urpox they were, "nothing special" and not very memorable. Their language had a lot of double vowels, so talking to them was quite soothing.

However according to The Librarian, they were considered a hated species, even among other members of the faction. They were self-carnivorous, and used exotic healing techniques to repair the damage they inflicted on themselves. No record of their natural appearance survives, the only record is of the mass of wounds that covered their bodies.



Known Ships: Precursor Probe






A species with crashed ships all around the Outer Spur.

Known Ships: Teknshi Caster


The Tpktpk were a member species of the Faction of Eight. They were wiped out by the Urpox, who took their place in the faction.


A species with crashed ships all around the Outer Spur.

Known Ships: Rowhibte Defender


The Umberzock were a species that originated on the same planet as the Fetz. They were a member of the Faction of Eight at the time of the Scryve's entry. The Librarian was not entirely convinced they were a different race from the Fetz.



The Valeth were the oldest member of the Faction of Eight at the time of the Scryve's entry. They were bulbous gas-filled sacs, who lived in the clouds of a gas giant.



The Yevaz were an entirely space faring species who were a member of the Faction of Eight at the time of the Scryve's entry. They were comparable to the Greegrox, even having a relationship with a "mobile planet", likely a similar creature to the Ancient One. They left almost no records behind, all that is known of them comes from what other species wrote of them.




Known Ships: Zivern Stalker

